1. I bought a primer! I went to the benefit counter in Debenhams in Manchester and asked the woman working there about the pore minimising primer and she recommended that I get it, and for the same price I could get the same size primer with a mini eye cream and a face brightening primer, so it's safe to say I was pretty happy!
This is a photo of the kit that I got from debenhams, I couldn't find a photo on their website so this one is from the benefit website, i'll make sure I put the link above to get the product direct from benefit :)
I've never used a primer before so I didn't really know what to expect (I could still be using it wrong), but i've been applying a thin layer under my foundation. On the first day I used it, I thought it actually accentuated my pores, but from the second day I can definitely notice the difference, not only do my pores look smaller and less noticeable, my complexion is a lot more even (even before I apply foundation!) and my skin feels so much softer. I really can't recommend this enough, and at only £24.50 for a full size pore fessional primer and two mini popular products, you really can't complain!
2.I've actually been keeping up with my get fit routine. It's getting harder each day to keep going back and doing my run and other exercises as my legs are getting so tired! But the aches are worth it because i'm starting to feel a bit fitter, even though this is only my second week! Although I did forget to stretch after my run today and my legs feel like they are about to seize up! Nothing that a nice hot bath with a LUSH bath bomb can't fix!
3. I'm managing to make more time for myself and I feel so much more relaxed for it. I've got a lot of things on the go at the moment and its so important to just take a step back and relax. I'm getting up at 6am and heading off to the gym in the mornings, then staying at uni until 5 or 6 every night, then coming home and just trying to relax as best I can, and it really does make a difference! It's just hard to switch off sometimes!
Love Amylou x