Thursday, 13 March 2014

Moving House

Hey guys,

It's amazing just how much stuff you accumulate over time. In the past 3 and a half years i've lived in 6 houses, and in two weeks time i'm going to be moving into my 7th. Granted, I'm a student and naturally we move a lot, but 7 is pretty crazy. 

Moving that often means i'm pretty good at decluttering, however as i'll be moving back home with my parents for the summer (the first time since leaving for uni in 2010), it's going to take more than a little organisation to pack half a three-bedroom house back into my old room!

One thing i've learnt is that you just need to let go of things, especially clothes. I'm usually the person saying 'oh I might wear that again', or 'it doesn't fit me right now but it will!' and then they continue to go unworn! This time i've decided enough is enough and they have to go, so far i've filled 2 charity bags to the brim with things that I haven't worn in months or even years, showing just how much my wardrobe needed it! It also feels quite good to be able to walk to my local hospice charity shop and donate things, I should do it more often.

I think the biggest problem is that you change what you want to wear, I feel like i've changed a lot since i've started university. I no longer feel the need to wear super short dresses and tight shorts. You also change due to the people you meet. In the north (of england) it's normal to go out without a jacket and freeze, so that's what I did. But down south, it's weird if you go out without one, and that's one change that I was very happy to make :P

What I do need to cut back on (but never will) is things for my kitchen. Think of anything that you could possibly want, and I probably have some sort of appliance to make it. I even have an ice cream wafer maker, for those short 2 weeks of summer we get in England. I have endless cake and chocolate moulds (although i'm more than a bit excited to start making some easter eggs!), cake slicers, icers, and every colour of decorations. I just love to bake, and i'd like to think one day I could make a career out of it, but we'll just have to see!

I'm sad to be leaving, but you always move on to something better. For now I just have to focus on trying to get everything packed away!

I've love to hear about how you guys keep down your clutter and anything you've found useful when moving house! :)

Love Amylou x

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Monday, 3 March 2014

My weekend in London

This blog post is going to be a bit different to my others (or maybe not so much) as i'm sat in a bar at uni just typing out my thoughts about the weekend. I didn't think anyone would be reading these blogs, it's just something I enjoy doing whether people read them or not, but this weekend I found out one of my best friends Jo who lives in London reads them. She never mentioned it to me, but has read all of my posts, and it makes me feel a bit special that she would do that, so this is one is for you Jo :)

I just had one of the best weekends that I have had in a long time. Since finishing our undergrad degrees me and my two best friends have moved to different places, and it can be hard to see each other regularly, but when all three of us do get together, it reminds me why I love them both so much.

The Friday started out a bit stressful when I got to the station to find my train had been cancelled, but luckily there was another train half an hour after and they let me use my ticket which was lucky, i'm not a fan of the fares to London! Me and Lauren arrived in London but had about 3 hours to kill until Jo finished work so we went along to Meat Liquor, just off oxford street for burgers and coke floats :)

It is literally my favourite place to eat in London ever, I've been countless times and I love it. I cannot recommend it enough. They don't take reservations, and will only seat you if your full party is there (no queue jumping) which I think is great, meaning you can go along whenever and get a table, you might have to queue outside for a while but it's definitely worth it. check out:

Afterwards we went over to Harrods, checked our bags in and had a little explore. Gutted to see that the pet kingdom area had gone! Such cute accessories for your pets, and seeing the cute puppies for sale was always a bonus. I haven't had chance to look up why they closed it, but it was always packed with people looking at the pet spa and pets for sale making it quite hard to actually buy things, so maybe that's why! We ended up in the Salad Kitchen on the fourth floor and it looked so nice but we were just so full all we could manage were diet cokes! I definitely want to go back and try the food though! You can see the menu here:

We met Jo and got on the tube back to hers for a pan-Asian take away and film night. It took 3 phone calls and 2 trips but they eventually delivered all the food we ordered and it was delicious. I've never tried pan Asian food before but it was really nice! I'll definitely be getting it again!

Saturday morning came around and we decided we wanted to go out for sundaes (our weekend was very food oriented), so we drove to the nearest harvester. I've never been to a harvester before and I was very pleasantly surprised! How awesome do these sundaes look?!:

I had a mint aero bubbles one, and it was so delicious!

Of course Saturday night had to involve more food and so we went out for an Italian, such a good time with the girls, 2 bottles of wine and 2 and a half hours later we were the only ones left and told that they wanted to close for the night, a sign of a good night, the time flew by! The pizza was ok, and the girls said the pasta was delicious, however they ran out of garlic bread and they made profiteroles with hot cream, so overall the food aspect wasn't amazing, but as far as a good time goes, it was perfect.

Sunday was a day for relaxing with a lazy morning followed by an amazing roast dinner (compliments to the chef!) and nice afternoon bowling with more pizza!

Then it was time to come home and get back to uni (and attempt to get back in my jeans), a perfect way to spend the weekend before giving up so many delicious things for lent starting Wednesday!

This post is far longer than normal, but I had a lot to say (and a lot to eat) and I can't wait for the next weekend we all spend together! With friends like these two, it's like having 2 extra sisters, soppy but true.

Love Amylou x