Hello lovelies,
One of my good friends from University recently went back home for a few months to Vienna, and asked if I wanted to visit, so I jumped at the chance and i'm so glad that I did. Vienna is officially the most beautiful city I have ever visited. The architecture is amazing, the detail in the buildings is incredible, easily one of my new favourite places.
Luckily I packed a couple of dresses, back in England we had temperatures below ten, so packed mainly jumpers, but when I got to Austria it was almost 30! Absolutely beautiful though, perfect for walking around the grounds of palaces and stately homes!
I could walk around and look at the architecture in Vienna all day, and luckily that's what I did for most of the weekend!
Such regal homes, I don't think i've ever walked around somewhere so impressive.
It's amazing to see such a beautiful, regal building nestled in the centre of such a big and vibrant city. It was quite a hike to the highest point of the gardens so we could get this picture of the house, well worth it for the view though.
We were greeted by this wonderful building at the top of our walk, such detail with a beautiful gold eagle on the top, only with one head, though most of the eagles seen around vienna have two heads representing the dual monarchy of Austria and Hungary, and have done since 1867, showing how old this beautiful building is.
We chose to walk down one of the quieter lanes back to the main house and came across this column, everywhere you turned you found a new sculpture to see and there was far too much to see just in our morning trip!
I didn't want to leave this place, i've said it a million times already, but it really is one of the most beautiful places i've ever been.
After a morning of adventures Oliver decided to join in on my photo taking and joined in with my holiday spirit as he showed me around his home town!
I wanted to photograph everything I saw, and it took me ages to get anywhere as I was just constantly getting my camera out.
My tour guide quickly got bored of my photos and how long I was taking to walk to the next museum or art gallery (we visited 3 in two days along with the stately homes and palaces, though maybe we could have fit more in if i'd walked a little faster!)
But I just couldn't help it!
The churches were the most magnificent of all, even underground when we saw the caskets of the old Austrian royal family and rulers, though I didn't take any photos out of respect, it was fascinating to see the level of detail and the dedication of their people!
There were also a number of impressive water features around the city, very good for keeping you cool if you walked through the mist!
Oliver's sister is currently in Mary Poppins in Vienna and we had tickets to see the premiere of the second season and it was absolutely amazing. The entire show was in German, and I don't speak a single word of German, however there were subtitles over the stage and I loved the film as a child so I knew mostly what was going on, even though a few scenes were from the books and so not in the film.
If you get the chance to see this show whilst it is still playing, or when it goes on tour I highly recommend it, I was transfixed and I couldn't even understand a word they were saying, they are all so incredibly talented, and also lovely people!
I just can't get over the beauty of this city.
I had the best weekend in Vienna, it was lovely to be shown around by someone who grew up there, and to go to quite cafes and restaurants with amazing food that the locals go to, even if I couldn't speak to many people or understand any of the menus, luckily I had someone to translate for me!
Everyone I have spoken to has assured me that I must go back in the winter to see all of the christmas lights and decorations, and to visit the christmas markets, and I really hope that I get the chance to!
Have any of you been to Vienna? What was your favourite part, any recommendations?
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend,
Love, Amylou x
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