Thursday, 5 June 2014

My Summer To-Do List


I decided to do something a bit different today and make a list of all of the things that I want to do this summer/the rest of 2014. I seem to always make a list of things that I want to do in the summer, then at the end of the summer, the ones I didn't manage just get forgotten about! So my aim is to do all of these this summer, but if it's runs into Autumn, well i'm only human!

1. Read a book. This one seems like such a simple thing, but when you're busy you find it hard to fit the time in, without feeling guilty! Since starting university I think i've only read 2 books for my own entertainment and not a work-related book, and i've been there almost 4 years!

2. Learn to like healthier food. I think this one will be more of a case of forcing myself to eat it until I like it. Apparently you only have to eat 8 teaspoons of something before you start to like it, so i'm planning on putting it to the test! I'll be 22 in a fortnight and unfortunately I can't live on pizza and fried chicken forever! :(

3. Spend a day doing absolutely nothing. When was the last time you spent a day doing nothing, and didn't feel guilty about it? If it was recent then i'm very jealous! I always feel the pressure to be doing something, and if it's not work then I feel bad about it! But it's important to have time just to do nothing, and enjoy the quiet time!

4. Do something for me. So this one i'm already planning, i've wanted to get highlights for ages now, but didn't because people told me they liked my hair dark. Well I want to dye it and so i'm going to! I think this ties in with me just generally living my life for me, and not just doing what makes other people happy or what they want me to do, but that's a whole other story! :)

5. Do something new. There are so many things that I just don't know how to do/have never experienced. Even if it's something super simple like cooking a new meal or going somewhere i've never been before. Although nothing to do with balance, i'm not expecting miracles here haha

6. Take more photos. Something I don't tell people very often is that I actually love photography. I'm just not very good at it. Photos capture memories and they are so valuable that you should take as many as you can. I love taking photos, and whether others think they are good or not, if I like the way it looks, it just makes me so happy, and we should always do more of what makes us happy!

7. Spend more time with family and friends. Something so simple as lunch with my girls, baking with my sister or a bbq with the family can make such a difference to your mood. Or to mine anyway! I'm very blessed to have a very supportive and close group of family and friends, and just spending time enjoying ourselves together is priceless! Cheesy, but those are the people who will always be around you, so why not spend as much time as possible with them! You don't want to look back and just remember all those times you were on your own unhappy, when you could have been with them enjoying life!

A short list, but an important one I think! 

What are your plans for the summer? Is there anything in particular that you want to do?

Love, Amylou x

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