Saturday, 1 November 2014

Hello November

So I feel like it was only last week I was writing my Hello October post! How quickly has this month gone?! But nevertheless, it is that time again! So I thought i'd share with you a few of the things i'm looking forward to in November.
It's bonfire night! I love fireworks and bonfires and eating fish and chips with loads of salt and vinegar even though it's so cold you can't feel your hands. Hopefully heading to a bonfire with my friends near home and I can't wait!
I'm going to watch the dog racing again :) It's not an all day thing like horse racing, and you don't get to wear a fancy hat, but you do have fun and can have a few drinks with friends!
I'll be going out for cocktails for the first time with my little sister and my cousin in Leeds too, so any recommendations of places to go let me know! Excited for it!
I also signed up to a 10 mile walk the morning after the night out in Leeds! I'm hoping the fresh air will do me some good! I don't know if I've ever set out to walk ten miles before, but i'm doing it with the same friends that are going to the dogs and we have some pubs planned en route! Which doesn't make it very healthy, but I think there must be over 20 of us going, and so it'll be fun anyway! :)
It's Lauren's birthday in November too! I'm looking forward to cocktails and nice dresses and dancing all night even though i'm the world's worst dancer! Seriously, I have like one dance move, and I just do it all night :P but i'm enjoying myself and that's all I care about, so judge all you like lovely strangers watching haha. 
Then at the end of November it's December (obviously) so it's time for Christmas decorations and Christmas songs and i'm literally so excited already! Every year in December we head down to
London to do our Christmas shopping and it's always so Christmassy at Covent garden and on regent street, and harrods, I love harrods. I'm already getting too carried away thinking about it all!
I think some just general wintery things i'm looking forward to are having hot chocolates with whipped cream and wafer straws at work (bye bye diet, see you in January) and the cosy fires and bubble baths with all the new Christmas lush products, Christmas songs at work (yes they've already started) and wintery walks at uni and home :)
What are you most looking forward to in November?
Love Amylou x


  1. I can't wait for Thanksgiving because after Thanksgiving is when I put the Christmas tree up and start playing the Christmas songs... OOOOOH I am so excited haha


    1. I'm so excited for the build up to christmas too! We don't have thanksgiving here so I don't have that to look forward to :( But I did watch my first christmas film of the year today haha! xx

  2. Ohh, good luck with the 10 mile walk! What abouts is it? Near Leeds?

    Corinne x

    1. Thank you! It's quite near, it's in Penistone along the Trans Pennine Trail, it should be fun! :) xx
