Friday, 20 March 2015

Hello Spring, Hello Blogging!

Hello you wonderful lovely people.

You know some days you wake up and you just know it's going to be a good day?

For me, today was one of those days.

It probably has a lot to do with the majority of my deadlines ending today, and finally having some time to blog and just relax again, plus it's the first day of Spring!

I woke up at around half 6 and just felt like I was going to have such a productive day so I did my morning workouts, got ready for the day, caught up on a few youtube videos whilst I had breakfast and headed to uni for half 8. I managed to get my dissertation interim report and a statistics assignment on voles both finished off and handed in before half 11 then picked up two assignments and made notes for my next piece of work and was home for 1pm!

I may have also squeezed in a girly chat at one of the campus bars in that time too, you always have to make time for those!

And now i'm home and I don't have to read any more scientific papers until monday morning, and it's bad how excited that makes me.

I was planning on spending my afternoon writing up a new fashion based blog post, but instead this little ramble has happened. The beauty of a lifestyle blog, I can upload little rambles now and again!

I'm looking forward to a crazy friday night of blog writing, vogue reading, and chilled sauvignon blanc drinking. I'm so old, and I don't even care.

I've also had the Daft Punk Pentatonix video on repeat whilst i've been writing this, how amazing is that video?! How much fun would it be to recreate the makeup?! I feel like this may have to happen for Halloween this year.

I hope you have all had a wonderful week and have fun plans for the weekend! I'm looking forward to not doing anything and not feeling guilty about it, just having a lazy saturday in my comfy clothes and finally doing some blogging and it's going to be amazing.

What are you doing this weekend?

All my love, Amylou x

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