Sunday, 19 April 2015

Life Goals / Bucket List

Hey lovelies!

So I've been having a think about all of the things that I would love to do one day, and what better way to remember them than to make a little bucket list and put it on my blog so I can remember all of the things that I want to do. 

Maybe i'll write one every year and see how what I want to do changes, I think that could be pretty interesting to see! Most of them will end up being things that i'll never be able to do, just things I dream of being able to do one day. But too high aspirations are better than too low ones I guess!

So here goes!

1. Visit every state in the USA

As you can see i'm quite a way off this one still! I've only been to New York, Massachusetts, Florida, Nevada and California, but I hope to visit the rest soon!

2. Open my own store

So many ideas for what I would love this to be, but it's something i'm still working on.

3. Live in the USA for a year

I don't know if i'd move over there forever, I think once I started a family i'd want to be closer to my family and live in the UK, but who knows!

4. Live by the sea

There's something just so calming about waking up or even going to sleep and hearing the waves crashing. Though I imagine this is something i'd tie in with living in the states, as it tends to just rain and be stormy on the British coast so you can't really appreciate it!

5. Learn another language

I've always wanted to be able to speak French or Italian. I got an A in my GCSE french but I didn't keep it up, and now I probably couldn't even order a sandwich. Hopefully it's something i'll get back into when I finish university later this year.

6. Have a house with a library room


I've always loved reading. I've written a separate post about all that, so I won't go into it again, but having a room with walls full of books is something I would absolutely love.

And it is something that I need to make happen one day.

7. Roadtrip across the USA

So many of my goals involve going over the states haha! I've read somewhere that there is a route you can take, over 3-6 months and you can visit every landmark in every state.

Unfortunately I can't take 6 months off to drive around the US, nevermind find someone able to come along too! I would absolutely love to do it one day though.

8. Get back involved with performing arts

When I was younger I spent years in theatre groups performing plays both musicals and non-musicals and I loved it. Something i'm not quick to admit is that sometimes I actually really miss it, i'm just too shy to get involved again.

I think if I did it, i'd want to get involved in the musical side of things, so i'd definitely need to brush up on my singing skills! There's something that just makes me so happy when i'm doing that sort of thing, even if it's just singing and over-acting musical numbers when i'm cooking or in the house on my own! The way you have to really get into it, especially the disney-style ones.

Maybe one day.

I think i'll leave it there for now!

If I think of some more I might come back and update this, and I'll make another next year and see if i've achieved any, or see if I have any new ones!

What would love to do one day, any of the things i've mentioned?

Love Amylou x

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  1. I wish the US made it easier for people to say, spend a year working over here, but as someone who's been through the whole move to the US lark, it's so hard! I've made my way to 5 of the USA states since moving here, not sure i'll get to see them all, but certainly fun exploring them all.

  2. I wish it was easier too! One of my uni friends is looking into it at the minute and it sounds so hard! hopefully i'll get to do it one day though! It is so fun visiting new places! :) xx

  3. You typically have to get sponsored by a company (which they don't like doing because they have to prove how a non American would be a better fit than an American). Sadly there's no travelling tourist work visa until Canada or Oz!

  4. It sounds like a lot of hard work! I'm hoping having a couple of degrees will help, but it's still going to take a lot!

  5. Fingers crossed, I made the move to the US myself so I know how hard it is!
