Sunday, 10 May 2015

A Mini Mid May Favourites

Hello Lovelies,

Lately my monthly favourites have turned more into mid-month favourites, so here's some of the things i've been loving lately!

Naked Smoothies

I love these things, they taste soo good. It's become a little bit of obsession, which is probably not great as they have crazy amounts of natural sugar in (I was shocked how much sugar is in fruit haha) but they do have loads of vitamins in and it may be psychological, but I do feel so much more awake and just better when i've had one!

 I would make my own smoothies, but I really hate the texture when there are seeds and skin in it, and these are really smooth, almost like a thick juice so i'd rather just drink these! 

Personalised Stationery

These notebooks and mug are from and I love them so much. They were sent to me as a gift a week or so ago, and i've been using them everyday. The mug has gone to the office so I can have my hot drinks in it during the day, and the notebooks are full of blog and uni notes.

 I wanted to get some notebooks specifically for blog notes but I didn't know where to get them from so I was so happy when these arrived! They are really good quality too, so if you're looking for some I definitely recommend having a look on their website! :) 


I've had a Wantfeed account for a while now, but it's only within the last few days that i'm starting to become a little addicted to just scrolling through the homepage. 

It's sort of like a pinterest shopping list. It's the same endless scrolling you get sucked into on pinterest but you can add them to a list for people to just buy from, which is amazing, especially with my birthday coming up next month *hint hint mum and dad* (only joking, maybe).

Sorry it's only a quick post today, so much to do!

What have been your favourite things so far this month?

Hope you've all had a good weekend!

Love, Amylou x

1 comment:

  1. the naked smoothies are so tasty but yes, full of sugar xx
