Saturday, 25 July 2015

Travel Diaries: Exploring Sorrento

Hey lovelies,

Today we had the chance to explore Sorrento, and it is an absolutely beautiful town.

The streets were lined with market stalls and little shops, mostly selling fresh fruit and locally made clothes and jewellery.

We also took the hotel lift down to the beach area. The coastline doesn't really have many beaches, so the hotels have built wooden deck areas with sun loungers so you can sunbathe and swim in the sea.

The sea here is such a beautiful turquoise colour, just a shame it's so cold!

Amongst the hotel decks are a few piers for travellers and tour operators to stop off whilst they explore the town.

We stopped off for lunch in Piazza Tasso, the main square in Sorrento, at a little pizzeria called Pizzeria Aurora, and it was honestly the best pizza I think i've ever had, and will ever have.

I've had some pretty good pizzas in my time, and although I knew these pizzas would be better, I didn't know how much better. Even though I just had a simple mozzarella and fresh tomato pizza, it was incredible.

Time to head back out exploring!

I still can't get over the beautiful colour of the sea here!

As we were on a little tour of the place, the owners of the restaurants were giving us blood orange juice and Prosecco as they explained their stories to us. I think it's my new favourite.

One of the best places we visited was Osteria del Buonconvento which was an old monastery that has been converted into a restaurant with many of the original books and works studied and written by the monks in the bookcases above the tables near the beautiful ceilings.

Every building here is full of history, and you could ask around for days and still not know about many of the beautiful buildings. But filled with as much knowledge as we could remember, we headed back to the hotel to change and headed back out to dinner!

Another amazing meal, more amazing mozzarella. I can see that i'm going to be eating my bodyweight in mozzarella whilst i'm here!

Hope you're all having a good weekend!

Love, Amylou x

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