Sunday, 6 July 2014

Last Minute Shoe Shopping!

Hey Guys!

So as you know, I lost my black heels a few days ago, and i'm off to Mexico tomorrow (well the airport tomorrow) so I had to make a mad dash to Meadowhall today to get some new ones!

I tried many different shops but i'm a UK size 8/EU42 so it can be quite difficult for me to find shoes when I need to! (When I don't suddenly everywhere has my size) but after searching around I finally found some in the new collection at Aldo!

I wasn't going to post today, but these shoes are so pretty, I just couldn't resist a quick post to show them off!

Cute right?! They are quite high, and considering i'm already at least 5"10 my mum wasn't too sure but I love wearing heels, so I just went for it! 

I think they are gorgeous, and i'm so glad I found some! These are just what I wanted so i'm glad I didn't find any anywhere else!

In other news, I didn't find a sun hat :( so looks like i'll need to get one from duty free, and maybe some sunglasses, what a shame haha :)

The sun has come out now, so i'm going to make the most of it and procrastinate for another hour or two, then I really must get on with my packing!

If you want to look at these shoes online i'll leave a link here :) i'm not the best with my photos, but they are nice!

Hope you're all having the best weekend!

Love Amylou x


  1. These are so gorgeous! I love the mesh cut outs. And have fun in mexico, very jealous! xx

    ☾ Liquorice Pearls ☾

    1. Thanks! Yeah I love them too! We'll see how much I love them after wearing them for a full night! haha :P xxx
