So I mentioned in a blog post a few days back that I had a haul of my holiday things that i'd over the past week. But a few problems arose
1. I bought WAY too much and really, no one needs to see my VS obsession
2. I am TERRIBLE at taking photos of clothes, and bags, and shoes for that matter
3. Hauls just look better in videos.
So! Instead I thought i'd share with you my summer reading list! and if you want to share, you could comment and let me know the books you've loved/are looking forward to reading and I can stick them on my kindle before I get on the plane!
First of all, I want to read the Pretty Little Liars books, all 18 or so of them. I didn't want to commit too much incase they were hard to get into, or not written in a style that I can relate to so I just bought the first four. That might sound like a lot if you don't read much, but if you're into it as much as I have been recently, those will take me less than a week to get through if I get into them!
If you're anything like me, and have a little OCD about matching book covers, then i'm really sorry about the next few photos.
I searched for what must have been a couple of hours, but I could not for the life of me find covers that all matched, these were the closest I could get, but not quite. But I won't dwell on that! I love the tv series and I really want to read the books, the stories are always a bit different and the characters are sometimes different in books but I love reading them. I used to read the gossip girl books when that was on (still one of my favourite shows) so hoping these will be as good if not better!
So I'm really looking forward to those!
Other books I have on my list are:
1. The One-Week Girlfriend series by Monica Murphy.
I've actually read these before, but they are really good, I'm always a sucker for a love story where people have to overcome their problems to understand that someone really loves them. It can be hard to find books like this that don't have sad parts. I really really hate books that make me cry. I know they are often true stories and people say it's so uplifting and good for the spirit, but there is enough bad out there, I don't feel the need to read sad things and make myself upset unnecessarily! There are 4 books in the series (and an additional novella I believe!) and the first 2 follow the same couple, then the third and fourth are about new people that were always in the story, but you didn't know much about them. I'm not explaining it very well, but I love them.
2. Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding.
I love the films but i've never read the books so I decided to download them onto my kindle :) I love bridget jones, whilst I love watching films about glamourous women, it's also nice to watch films and read books about women who aren't stick thin and obscenely beautiful and are actually quite awkward at times! I don't really know what to say other than i'm really looking forward to reading this!
3. About a Girl by Lindsey Kelk.
I love Lindsey Kelk. I'm saying love a lot in this post aren't I, but I do really like books! I've read all the I Heart... books and I just really like her style of writing, it's always really easy to get into, and she makes you want to know all about the characters. I can't wait to read this.
I've also downloaded the Hunger Games books, but I still can't decide if I actually want to read them. I know they are meant to be amazing, and I haven't read of them or seen the films, but i've heard they are sad. Amazing, but sad. and I don't like sad books! We'll just have to see how it goes!
What books are you reading at the moment/what do you want to read? Have you read of these books? What did you think?
So many questions!
Love Amylou x
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